I'm Interested in the Services Advertised (please answer all that apply)

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Is this your first time visiting ThatMall? Yes    No

How did you hear about us?

Do you use more than one website to locate escort and sensual massage services?

If yes, please list the websites you use to locate Escort/Massage Services in the order of frequency used.

If you use multiple websites to locate escort/sensual massage services, which one is your preferred choice?

When considering meeting with an Escort/Sensual Masseuse, do you first check to see if she/he has reviews before following through on an appointment?

Will you hire an Escort/Masseuse if she does not have reviews?

If you do utilize Review Boards in your decision process, which ones do you use the most? Please list in order of frequency used and why?

Who are you more likely to see?

Someone with Pages & Pages of Reviews.
Someone with Fewer Reviews.
Someone who has and prefers NO Reviews.
Someone who is reviewed by individuals I know only.
Reviews have little to do with my decision.

When Reading Reviews, how much of it do you believe to be true?
Very Little.
None of it.
I don't use Reviews.

Do you write Reviews?
Only if I am asked to.
Only if I am NOT happy with the service provided.
Only if I AM happy with the service provided.
I like to keep the good ones for myself.
I don't usually write reviews.

Many Adult websites use “information gathering technologies” to find out more about you. Thatmall.com has avoided this practice based on “Respect of Privacy” issues. How willing are you to offer your personal email address, phone number, etc. to websites that might be saving your personal information for later use/contact or for their own marketing purposes?
I am ok with it.
I am NOT ok with it.
I am ok using an alias email or phone account.

Much has changed in the world of “On-line Adult Service Directories” since thatmall.com first appeared on the Internet. If you are a user of these services, and/or are familiar with this industry, we would love to hear your feedback as to how you believe things have changed and where there should be improvement.

When choosing an Escort/Sensual Masseuse, which criteria is the most important to you (Please number according to importance):

Service Offered

When choosing an Escort/Sensual Masseuse, do you have a preference as to whether they are:

Age wise, when choosing an Escort/Sensual Masseuse, do you have a preference as to whether they are:

Thatmall.com has always had a strict “No Stock/Fake Photo Policy”. However this policy is not always fool proof. How important is it to you that the individual displayed in the advertisement, is the individual you actually meet with?

Very Important.
Not that important as long as the individual is about the same or better looking in person.
Generally speaking, I feel I have a better chance of meeting the woman pictured in a Thatmall ad than I would on other on-line adult service directories.
I believe what I read in a review.
I always confer with other users of these services before booking.
It's not very important to me.

How good would you say you are at recognizing Fake Photos in Ads?
Very Good
Not Very Good

When viewing escort/sensual massage advertisements on line, which of the following criteria alerts you the most that the photos being used might not be of the person you would meet?

The quality of the photo.
The wardrobe and backgrounds seem dated or too well matched.
The individual in the photo looks too good to be true.
The voice of the person you speak with does not match the age of the individual you speak with on the phone.

When considering hiring an adult service provider, would you prefer the individual to be:
An Independent Provider.
Working for an Escort/Sensual Massage Agency.
Does Not Matter.

If Thatmall.com were to create a “Paid” Membership Section, what type of perks do you feel would be an added value for a fee?
Please Explain:

As many of you know, Thatmall.com has not changed it’s website design in many years. If we were to redesign our website, do you have any suggestions in reference to what we could possibly change or add to our website, to help make your browsing experience more helpful?